

  -    -  Aga


An Aga is capable of being the focal point of any kitchen, a real showcase piece, around which memories of good cooking and wonderful evenings with friends and family are created. 

As Aga kitchen specialists, our Aga authorised showroom barn is the perfect place to come and see an Aga kitchen in use. Ours is always on, complemented by a hot cup of coffee and warm welcome, you’ll feel like one of the family from the moment you arrive. 

The handcrafted nature of Middleton kitchens - luxurious, bespoke and built to last - only serves to accentuate core elements of your kitchen - meaning you’ll enjoy kitchen design that punctuates the impact of your Aga, in perfect harmony each design choice, from kitchen islands, through to beautifully styled cabinetry. 

Explore the Aga kitchens below for a taste of the British made craftsmanship around which memories are made.  

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